We are pleased to announce the third time in a row that one of our own graduates will assume a position of leadership for Kwah Dao. Pii was an early graduate of the program, and ran the organization for over a year. She was followed by Bonnie, who graduated 2nd in his class one of the top economics programs in Thailand, Chiang Mai University. Bonnie will move on to a career in the government or private sector now that he has served the organization for nearly 2 years.
Ek is soon to graduate in with a degree in law from Ramkhamhaeng University, the third-ranked law school. Ek sought to push his career as far as it could go, taking the top exams in law in Thailand. These include the lawyer licensing exam and the bar, which qualifies him as a graduate student. He is an incredibly hard worker who is dedicated to social justice for stateless people. He has a strong vision for where he wants to take the organization.
Having overcome unsurmountable odds as a child, including not having had much by formal schooling, he taught himself 5 languages, and is fluent in all of them. Despite his lack of primary and secondary schooling, he managed to test into one of the best law schools in the nation. With the financial support of Kwah Dao, he has been able to continue his studies with few interruptions. We are so proud to have such a capable leader at the helm of our organization.