The rainy season is in full swing, at least in theory. In fact, rain remains a rarity this year. When it comes, it crashes over our little town in violent torrents, so that everything near the river is flooded. The flood damage along the Pai River has once again reached considerable dimensions this year. The newly built bridge was washed away, as was as a lot of land belonging to hotels and backpacker destinations along the river. Fortunately, Kwah Dao was not affected. Surrounded by rice fields in Mae Hee, we are in a safe-haven.
Just in time for the rainy season, a new garden shelter, which we urgently needed for the equipment housed outside, was finally erected using bamboo and corrugated iron. Now everything stays dry even during the heavy rain.
July to September 2019
July brought sobering news this year. Our long-standing English coordinator, Elin, is leaving us temporarily to complete a master’s degree in Norway. Even though we found an equally energetic replacement in Dierdra, Elin leaves a big gap after all these years. We wish her all the best for her studies!
After months of searching, we found a new truck in August! Now we can finally go on day trips with the children to the surrounding area or visit local events, such as the annual Hill Tribe Festival in September. With fun and games, the children were able learn all about the local customs and craftsmanship of the hill-tribe villagers in northern Thailand. We were able to bring back lots of hand printed fabrics, knotted jewellery and woven bamboo dream-catchers to the youth center.
Favorite project of the month
Our mid-year fundraiser at the Pai Pub was a complete success!